Windows Phone 7.5?

Windows Phone 7.5?

Windows Phone surely is getting a lot of attention these days, thanks to the infamous NoDo update. Now, Dark Force Team (DFT), the famous hackers who did the hard work in bringing WP7 to the HTC HD2 have already got hold of the upcoming Windows Phone Mango update. Today, they released a video of NoDo update running on an HD2 and guess what we found? โ€“ A new “search” button on the left of screen sitting beneath the back button.

DFT hackers are calling it Windows Phone 7.5. Here is the video:

Read Windows Phone 7.5 Review

Search Terms: windows phone 7 5 search button, wp7 hd2 search button, wp7 search button dftCategory : WP75 search button, windows phone 7, wp7 search button | March 31, 2011
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